Tim Davies
London Warren Street
Contact tel
07913 250654
Tim is experienced in defending people charged with all levels of offence from attempted murder and serious frauds to motoring offences. He has been involved in a number of high profile and complex cases since qualifying as a solicitor in 2005. Tim has come to criminal defence work having started his working life at a well known fine art auctioneers in London. Tim prides himself on his client care and is determined to get the best possible result for every client. In addition to defending prosecutions brought by the CPS Tim is also experienced in dealing with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA). He also has a particular interest in taking on matters arising out of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.
R v D, A, Q
Gift Aid fraud/ Money Laundering allegations involving the gift aid scheme for This case is on-going.
R v S. Death by Dangerous Driving. Woolwich CC
Newport City Council v B After an investigation lasting several years, Mr B and two others were charged with 3 offences of Participating in a Fraudulent Business, 1 offence of Fraudulent Trading and 24 offences relating to trademark infringements. We reviewed the evidence and told Cardiff Crown Court that Mr B would not be entering any pleas but we would be making an application of ‘no case to answer’ on his behalf. Newport Council offered no evidence against our client before we could make the application.
R v N and Others. Central Criminal Court. Money Laundering. Mr N was the first Defendant on an Indictment with nine others. He was prosecuted for laundering the proceeds of Courier Frauds and Vishing Frauds following police action within Operation Miching. Mr N was accused of Laundering £285,000.
R v C and Others Fraud – Mr C was one of 5 defendants investigated by London Regional Fraud Unit as part of Operation Fireball. Mr C and his co-defendants were charged with laundering £450,000.00 obtained via fraud using Ebay. We considered the thousands of pages served in evidence and advised Mr C and took his instructions. He had a realistic attitude and accepted the robust advice we gave him. He pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity. Mr C’s co defendants, who were represented by other firms, all pleaded guilty much later in proceedings and as a consequence were all given much longer prison sentences than Mr C. We also represented Mr C in the Confiscation Proceedings. Mr C’s Confiscation Order was for just £1.00.
R v L (and Others) – The client was acquitted of conspiracy to supply £5 million pounds worth of cocaine after being arrested driving a van with the drugs in the back. The two other defendants received substantial prison terms.
R v P (and Others) – This was a conspiracy to distribute fake Cialis and Viagra and is the largest prosecution to date by the MHRA. The lead defendant in the matter was known as the ‘King of Viagra’ by the tabloid newspapers. The substantive charges against Tim’s client were eventually dropped and he pleaded guilty to lesser, strict liability offences for which he received nominal fines. All other defendants were given prison terms.
R v M – Double attempted murder. The client was convicted but an application for a review of the case is currently before the European Court of Human Rights.
R v L – Tim was the solicitor representing a Lichtenstein based trust following the imposition by HMRC of a multi million pound confiscation order against a trust client. Following detailed, lengthy and hardfought negotiations that involved several interested parties, an acceptable arrangement was agreed.
R v B – Successfully applied to substantially reduce the amount of the client’s Proceeds Of Crime Act confiscation order after the client transferred his case to Tim. The reduction meant that the client was able to avoid a default prison sentence.
R v O and S – The clients, both licensed doormen ,were acquitted of ABH, Common Assault and Kidnap at Wood Green Crown Court.Careful analysis of the CCTV assisted in obtaining the defendants’ acquittals.
R v M and A – The clients, a mini cab office manager and a mini cab driver, were acquitted of taxi touting. CCTV was obtained by the defence and presented in court to support and ultimately win the client’s case.