Stephen Davies
London Warren Street
Contact tel
The Law Society of England and Wales, Junior Lawyer Division of the Law Society, Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association, London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association, Solicitors' Association of Higher Court Advocates, Young Legal Aid Lawyers
I am a Criminal Defence Solicitor at Tuckers Solicitors LLP. I specialise in criminal law and procedure, criminal defence and criminal legal aid in England and Wales, representing clients in the police station, Magistrates’ Court, Crown Court and Appeal Courts. I am also involved in academia and policy in areas of criminal justice.
Contact Details
Tuckers Solicitors LLP, 39 Warren Street, London, W1T 6AF
Mobile: 07512072358
Office: 02073888333
Email: DaviesS@tuckerssolicitors.com
Secure Email: DaviesS@tuckerssolicitors.com.cjsm.net
Social Media
Twitter: @sdavieslaw
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/stephendavies10
Blogs: www.stephendavieslegalblog.wordpress.com
Professional Skills Course (2019)
Police Station Representatives Accreditation Scheme (2018)
LL.M Master of Laws Degree in Legal Practice (LPC) with Merit (2017)
LL.M Master of Laws Degree in Criminal Law and Procedure with Distinction (2015)
LL.B Bachelor of Laws Degree with Second Class Honours (First Division) (2014)
The Law Society of England and Wales
Junior Lawyer Division of the Law Society
Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association
London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association
Solicitors’ Association of Higher Court Advocates
Young Legal Aid Lawyers
Areas of Law
Civil Liberties, Human Rights & Police Actions | Criminal Litigation & Miscarriages of Justice | Confiscation, Restraint, Cash Forfeiture | Dishonesty Offences | Extradition | Fraud, White Collar & Business Crime | Homicide Offences |Investigatory Powers | Judicial Review | Non-fatal Offences Against the Person | Prison Law | Public Law | Regulatory, Enforcement & Disciplinary | Road Traffic & Driving Offences | Sexual Offences | Terrorism
Stephen Davies and Dr. Ed Johnston with Anthony Edwards, Chapter Two: ‘Something To Work With’: Contemporary Issues with Pre-Charge Police Disclosure and the Role of the Defence Lawyer’ – Dr. Ed Johnstone and Dr. Tom Smith, The Law of Disclosure: A Perennial Problem in Criminal Justice (Routledge, December 2020)
- R v W in Crown Court at Woolwich [Ongoing] Murder
- R v S in the Central Criminal Court [Ongoing] Attempted Murder
- R v W in the Crown Court at Kingston [Ongoing] Rape
- R v M in the Crown Court at Harrow [2019] GBH with Intent
- R v C in the Crown Court at Woolwich [2019] Sexual Assault, Harassment and Malicious Communication
- R v D in the Crown Court at Cambridge [2019] Historic Sexual Offences
- R v S in the Crown Court at Wood Green [2019] Threating Another with An Offensive Weapon
- R v D in the Crown Court at Snaresbrook [2019] Rape
- R v H in the Crown Court at Inner London [2019] Death by Dangerous Driving
- R v I in the Crown Court at Isleworth [2019] Assault by Beating, Stalking, Adapting a Telephone
- R v S & B in the Crown Court at Northampton [2019] Burglary Dwelling
- R v B in the Crown Court at Bristol [2019] Robbery
- R v O in the Crown Court at Isleworth [2019] Conspiracy to Import Class A Drugs
- R v A in the Crown Court at Norwich [2019] PWITS Class A
- R v J in the Crown Court at Wood Green [2019] Possession of an Offensive Weapon
- R v J in the Central Criminal Court [2019] Theft
- R v H in the Crown Court at Leicester [2019] Attempted Murder
- R v B in the Central Criminal Court [2019] Rape
- R v M in the Crown Court at Reading [2019] Burglary Dwelling
R v R in the Crown Court at Isleworth [2018] Conspiracy to Cause GBH - R v B in the Crown Court at Inner London [2018] Imitation Firearm and Threats to Kill
- R v O in the Crown Court at Kingston [2018] Robbery
R v K in the Crown Court at Newcastle-upon-Tyne [2017] Fraud - R v M in the Crown Court at Newcastle-upon-Tyne [2017] Rape
- R v A in the Crown Court at Newcastle-upon-Tyne [2017] Murder
Court of Appeal
R v H in the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2019] – PWITS Nitrous Oxide (Appeal Against Sentence)
Magistrates’ Court
I have dealt with a great number of matters in the Magistrates’ Courts. Below are some of the more unusual matters I have encountered:
1. R v B & T in the Magistrates’ Court at Westminster [2018] Unregistered Independent Educational Institutions [First Prosecution of the Offence]
2. R v A & A in the in the Magistrates’ Court at Westminster [2019] Unregistered Independent Educational Institutions [Second Prosecution of the Offence]