Alex Walsh Atkins
Birmingham Central
Contact tel
01212364324 (ext.6105)
07768 774 248
- Fraud, White Collar & Business Crime
- Private Client Criminal Defence
- Criminal Defence & Serious Crimes
- Road Traffic & Driving Offences
- Courts Martial & Military Law
- Confiscation, Restraint & Cash Forfeiture
- Terrorism
Law Society, CLAS
Alex is an experienced Duty Solicitor and Trial Lawyer, dealing with cases in both the Magistrates Court and Crown Court, on matters ranging from general criminal defence, such as motoring offences and low value shop thefts to serious, complex fraud and murder. He is also an Accredited Police Station Advisor.
Alex is also one of a small handful of Solicitors in the West Midlands specialising in defending ASBO and CRASBO cases and has handled a number of high profile gang-related ASBO cases.
He is always keen to ensure the best possible result for every client and ensures that the team provides a quality service tailored to each clients’ individual need.
Alex is a member of the Law Society and CLAS, as well as the Solihull Youth Court Users Panel. Alex writes for a number of websites regarding police powers and protesters rights.
- Neon Stewart: Application for ASBO against 9 gang members. ASBO sought with 8 restrictions and was only granted with 3 minor restrictions and we successfully argued he was not a member of the gang.
- William Mooney: Domestic Assault. Found not guilty after trial despite victim and two witnesses giving evidence on oath against him. All three were cross-examined by AWA and the court took the view they were not credible.
- Gavin Hickman: Theft (Duress). Found not guilty after trial running a defence of duress (others forced him to commit the offence). Accepted he stole the items but acquitted on a legal basis of duress.
- Rowan Youngsam: Dangerous Driving. Charge of Aggravated Vehicle Taking dropped. Pleaded to Dangerous Driving. Kept out of custody despite judge’s initial indication that it would be custody having read the PSR.
- Sean Callaghan: Failing To Provide A Specimen Of Breath. Due to unique mitigation the court was persuaded (for an offence that normally carries a minimum 12 month ban) to disqualify the defendant for 7 days only.