Criminal Defence

Tuckers Solicitors is recognised as the UK’s leading criminal law firm, and should be the first choice for anyone facing a criminal investigation. With 10 offices in London, Birmingham and Manchester, our offices are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, ensuring the delivery of immediate expert legal advice and representation. Our award-winning and astute lawyers are always on hand to ensure that those arrested are able to receive practical and timely advice.
The firm defends more suspects held in police custody than any other law firm in England and Wales; and the daily experience of our lawyers at the Magistrates Court, Crown Court and Youth Court is second to none.
We act for over 15,000 clients a year, ranging from the homeless, through to multi-million pound businessmen, celebrities and royalty. All have one thing in common: they are innocent until proven guilty and our lawyers will do everything within the rules to ensure that their best interests are served. Our lawyers are known for their strategic expertise as well as the outstanding client service they provide, whilst ensuring that high profile cases are kept out of the public eye.
The firm undertakes both private and legal aid work. The firm is structured into dedicated teams, lead by expert solicitors. Tuckers Solicitors has a first class in-house advocacy team, consisting of Barristers and Solicitor Higher Court Advocates.
For more information please contact our the Private Client Department at our London Office on 020 7388 8333, Manchester Office on 016 1233 4321 or Birmingham Office on 012 1236 4324 or email
Crown Court
As the UK’s leading criminal law firm, Tuckers Solicitors is regularly instructed in the most complex and serious Crown Court cases. Whether applying to the Court for bail, representation at trial or mitigation, our lawyers ensure the provision of first class legal advice.
The firm has successfully defended clients across the full array of criminal law matters, and will advise clients on the most suitable form of funding, whether through legal aid or privately.
Our lawyers have extensive experience and expertise in all areas of criminal law, including serious and organised crime, murder, manslaughter, fraud, computer crime, money laundering, offences against the person including ABH and GBH, sexual offences including rape and child pornography, human trafficking, burglary, robbery, terrorism and drug importations.
Tuckers Solicitors is a member of the VHCC (Very High Cost Cases) panel, which is limited to firms with the expertise in representing the most serious and complex cases. We have a renowned reputation and unparalleled experience in dealing with evidence, decision making and ensuring that each case is thoroughly prepared in minute detail.
Our in-house Barristers and Solicitor Higher Court Advocates provide expert representation at the Crown Court; as well as working in conjunction with the UK’s premier criminal Barristers Chambers.
For more information please contact the Private Client Department at our London Office on 020 7388 8333, Manchester Office on 016 1233 4321 or Birmingham Office on 012 1236 4324 or email
Magistrates Court
Our specialist Magistrates Court team has vast experience in the full range of cases heard at the Magistrates Court. We will guide you through the process, advising you on your options and providing first class representation at Court.
We are able to undertake all matters, and will advise clients on the most suitable form of funding, whether legal aid or privately funded. Legal aid is subject to ‘means’ testing, and our lawyers are able to assist you in applying for this. We also regularly accept instructions from other lawyers on an agency basis.
The firm has successfully defended clients across the full array of criminal law matters, including summary-only offences such as road traffic offences, shop lifting as well as more serious offences such as domestic violence, theft, fraud, serious and organised crime, murder, robbery and drug importations.
For more information please contact the Private Client Department at our London Office on 020 7388 8333, Manchester Office on 016 1233 4321 or Birmingham Office on 012 1236 4324 or email
Police Station
Legal advice at the Police Station is free of charge to any person who has been arrested or is being interviewed by the Police as a volunteer. Decisions made at the Police Station affect the outcome of the case and it is vital to instruct an experienced lawyer to represent you, advising you whether to give a no-comment interview, a written statement or whether to answer questions in interview.
One of our dedicated team will travel to you in advance of your interview and will liaise with the authorities to ensure your interests are protected and that you receive first class legal advice from an experienced lawyer.
Our lawyers have successfully defended allegations across the full spectrum of criminal law matters, including summary-only offences such as shoplifting and road traffic offences to more serious offences such as murder, robbery, fraud, GBH, sexual offences, serious and organised crime.
The firm defends more suspects held in police custody than any other law firm in England and Wales; and the daily experience of our lawyers at the Magistrates Court, Crown Court and Youth Court is second to none. We act for over 15,000 clients a year, ranging from the homeless through to multi-million pound businessmen, celebrities and royalty. All have one thing in common: they are innocent until proven guilty and our lawyers will do everything within the rules to ensure that their best interests are served.
Our Lawyers are Police Station Accredited, ensuring they provide specialist advice at the Police Station. Expert guidance is provided whether the interview is held at the Police Station, Serious Fraud Office (SFO), Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the Department of Work and Pensions, as well as other Organisations.
The firm undertakes both private and legal aid work and has a first class in-house advocacy team, consisting of Barristers and Solicitor Higher Court Advocates. Our lawyers are known for their strategic expertise as well as the outstanding client service they provide, whilst ensuring that high profile cases are kept out of the public eye.
For more information please contact the Private Client Department at our London Office on 020 7388 8333, Manchester Office on 016 1233 4321 or Birmingham Office on 012 1236 4324 or email
Youth Court
Tuckers Solicitors specialist Youth Court lawyers provide expert legal advice for under 18’s suspected of or charged with an offence; as well as legal assistance and support to their families.
Our lawyers are able to deal with the vulnerabilities and requirements of youths at the Police Station or at Court, whether facing serious matters, first time alleged offenders and those in breach of previous court orders; whether arrested alone, with other youths or in conjunction with adults.
Our team is sensitive to the stress caused to the families of the youths, and our lawyers will do the utmost to support and reassure our client and their families throughout the legal process. We will arrange for any reports and references, Third Party assessments or an Appropriate Adults, where applicable.
Our lawyers have successfully defended allegations across the full spectrum of criminal law matters, including summary-only offences such as shoplifting and road traffic offences to more serious offences such as murder, robbery, fraud, GBH, sexual offences, serious and organised crime.
For more information please contact the Private Client Department at our London Office on 020 7388 8333, Manchester Office on 016 1233 4321 or Birmingham Office on 012 1236 4324 or email