Foreign National Prisoners

Tuckers Solicitors Prison Law team have a wealth of experience in representing Foreign National Prisoners, serving both determinate and indeterminate sentences. We currently have a large number of FNP clients. Our areas of work include the following:
Early Release Scheme (ERS)
Fixed-term foreign national prisoners who are confirmed by the UK Border Agency (UKBA) as being liable for deportation can be removed from the UK after having served a minimum requisite period of a quarter of their sentence, up to a maximum of 270 days before the end of their sentence.
As ERS is mandatory, all determinate sentenced FNPs who are confirmed by UKBA as being liable for removal, irrespective of sentence length, offence type or country of origin, must be considered under this scheme by the Governor.
Tuckers can offer assistance with this by liaising with Foreign National Co-ordinators, the Criminal Casework Directorate and UKBA on the client’s behalf.
Facilitated Return Scheme (FRS)
The Facilitated Return Scheme is operated by FRS team in UKBA’s Criminal Casework Directorate.
FRS is a voluntary return scheme that only non-EEA Nationals can apply for and it is designed to encourage FNPs to comply with removal action and return to their home country by offering them financial assistance and support to help them reintegrate upon their return. A condition of which is that they cooperate with removal action and waive their right to appeal against deportation.
Tuckers Solicitors can offer assistance with this by liaising with Foreign National Co-ordinators, the Criminal Casework Directorate and UKBA on the client’s behalf.
Tariff Expired Removal Scheme (TERS)
This is a new scheme introduced in May 2012 via the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offender’s Act 2012’ which has led to a new PSI; PSI 18/2012.
Foreign National Prisoners will meet the criteria for TERS if they are:
- Serving an Indeterminate sentence;
- Post tariff;
- Do not have outstanding confiscation proceedings;
- Are not facing any further criminal charges;
- Are not challenging their deportation.
The team has a wealth of experience of clients affected by these schemes and how they may affect a client’s sentence progression or their liberty.
Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, providing immediate legal advice, assistance and representation during legal proceedings, ensuring the best interests of our clients. Please contact the Prison Law Department on 020 7388 8333 or email