Categorisation Reviews & Transfers

Tuckers Solicitors Prison Law team provides legal representation for prisoners who are due to have their security categories reviewed.
We are experienced in preparing representations for clients who are eligible for consideration for a progressive move and are always ready to challenge negative decisions. We also have experience in challenging incorrect security information that has been used to refuse a downgrading in security category.
Tuckers Solicitors has particular expertise in Category A reviews and has a track record of success in this area. We assist in the preparation of Category A reviews for those deemed to be Restricted and High Escape Risk clients. We prepare representations and submit them to the Category A Review team and the Director, who make the decision of downgrading. With Category A reviews we can also seek to try and secure an Oral Hearing for downgrading to be considered.
Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, providing immediate legal advice, assistance and representation during legal proceedings, ensuring the best interests of our clients. Please contact the Prison Law Department on 020 7388 8333 or email