Back Log Cases – Case Assurance and Audit Unit

Following this date, many cases had not been resolved. The UK Border Agency confirmed that the Case Assurance and Audit Unit (CAAU) had been set up to deal with the residual cases which have been reviewed but are still awaiting a final conclusion. Some examples of cases awaiting conclusion are listed below, however this is not an exhaustive list:
1. cases awaiting prosecution;
2. cases awaiting removal (including a small number of cases that require further casework action before removal action can be progressed);
3. cases with ongoing litigation;
4. cases where further submissions were submitted towards the end of the Case Resolution Programme;
5. cases that were placed in a Controlled Archive due to CRD being unable to trace the applicant.
Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, providing immediate legal assistance during proceedings. Please contact the Head of the Immigration Department Richard Harrold on 020 7388 8333 or email