Hands free devices – What are the chances?
There are many arguments about hands free devices in vehicles, and whether they become dangerous in certain circumstances. Recently, a woman was jailed for 3 years due to causing death by dangerous driving whilst using a hands-free mobile phone. She collided with a motorbike head-on and killed the motorist instantly. The woman was not using an illegal device whilst she was driving (e.g. a handheld mobile phone), but the hands free device was distracting enough to lead her car onto the opposite side of the road which caused the collision. The woman was doing nothing illegal, but this situation particularly goes to show that anyone can drive their car and risk being faced with jail, even if they had no intention to pursue anything out of the ordinary.
If you require expert criminal defence advice about a driving case, please contact alia@tuckerssolicitors.com or on 0161 233 4321.