Drink Driving Christmas Campaign
Police will soon be launching their national campaign which will target drink drivers, as the number of drink and drug driving offences increases hugely around the Christmas time. People think that these offences do not seem as serious as they actually are, but this type of conviction can have huge consequences on someone’s life. Losing your driving licence can result in many consequences, for example unemployment, meaning that housing and other bills can’t be paid as they increase over the years. Many convictions nowadays arise from people who have been driving the morning after drinking alcohol, not knowing that the alcohol from the night before is still in their system although they may feel perfectly sober.
What is a safe level of drinking if I need to drive somewhere?
Alcohol affects people in many different ways. Some people could have 1 drink and feel fine, yet some people could have 1 drink and feel the effects of the alcohol more than others. This is why the saying “1 or 2 drinks is ok”, is completely incorrect. Once you have let any alcohol into your system, your reactions can become slightly impaired in comparison to if you were sober, no matter how small the amount of alcohol was. Christmas is a time where people are merry, and a time where many costly mistakes are made. The safest level of drinking if you need to drive somewhere, is none at all.
How we can help you
If you require expert legal advice about a drink-driving related offence, we are here to help you. Please contact Asim Ali on alia@tuckerssolicitors.com or on 0161 233 4321.
Think before you drink and drive.