Police Station

Tuckers Solicitors should be the first criminal law firm you call if you are going to be interviewed by the police. Legal advice at the Police Station is free of charge to any person who has been arrested or is being interviewed by the Police. Increasingly, people are invited to a “voluntary interview” to avoid arrest, but anything that you say or do in your first contact with the Police could affect the outcome of the case and it is vital to instruct an experienced lawyer to represent you immediately.
One of our dedicated team will travel to you and find out the evidence the police say they have before your interview. This is called “disclosure.” We will then speak to you privately in advance of your interview. We will advise you whether to give a no-comment interview, a written prepared statement or whether to answer questions in interview based on all of the information obtained. We will liaise with the authorities to ensure your interests are protected and that you receive first class legal advice from an experienced lawyer.
Our lawyers have successfully defended allegations across the full range of criminal law matters, including more minor offences such as shoplifting and road traffic offences to more serious offences such as murder, robbery, fraud, GBH, sexual offences, serious and organised crime.
Our lawyers are Police Station Accredited, ensuring they provide specialist advice at the Police Station. Expert guidance is provided whether the interview is held at the Police Station, Serious Fraud Office (SFO), Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the Department of Work and Pensions, as well as other Organisations.
The firm undertakes both private and legal aid work and has a first class in-house advocacy team, who can see your case through if you are charged to Court.
For more information please contact our Police Station team on 0845 200 3367 or email info@tuckerssolicitors.com