Tuckers Solicitors Military Law & Courts Martial Department specialises in providing legal advice and representation to members of the Army, Navy and the Air Force, where they have been charged with an offence under Service Law.
Tuckers Solicitors have successfully acted for the Army, Navy and the Air Force personnel on matters concerning Court Martialing; representing clients in the UK, Europe and worldwide. Headed by Kelly Thomas in London and Stewart Smith in Birmingham and Manchester, members of the department include ex-service personnel with an unequalled depth of knowledge who can advise you from the moment of arrest to the conclusion of your trial and the appeal process.
Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Please contact the Military Law & Courts Martial Department on 0207 388 8333 or email info@tuckerssolicitors.com

Service Police Interviews
The first stage of the Courts Martial proceedings for members of the army and military personnel, is the interview process. If you are arrested by the service police in connection with an alleged offence, you are entitled to the same rights as you would be if you were arrested by the civilian police, and that...
Charging of an Offence
Once the investigation of the alleged offence has concluded your case will be referred to the Service Prosecution Authority who will make a recommendation to your Commanding Officer, as to whether enough evidence exists to charge you and if so how the case should be dealt with. The final decision on whether to charge you...
Summary Dealings & Court Martial
Under Military Law, minor offences will be dealt with by either the Officer Commanding or where the offence is of a more serious nature, by your Commanding Officer. The most serious offences are dealt with by the Court Martial. You will not be entitled to legal representations at a Summary Hearing by either your Officer...