Cash Forfeiture

Tuckers Solicitors specialist team lawyers have extensive experience dealing with Cash Forfeiture proceedings, providing high quality legal advice and expert representation to clients.
The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 empowers the Police to seize cash in excess of £1,000 they suspect it may be the proceeds of criminal conduct or intended for use in such conduct. Criminal conduct includes a wide range of offences, including the proceeds of drug trafficking to legitimately earned income which has not been declared for tax.
Within 48 hours of seizing cash, the police must apply to the Magistrates Court to detain the cash for up to 90 days, while they investigate its source. This process may be repeated for up to two years, and at any time the police can apply to keep the cash permanently.
Cash Forfeiture proceedings are conducted under Civil Law, therefore the police only need to satisfy the Court on the balance of probabilities that the cash is criminal property. Proving the source of cash can be difficult and requires detailed consideration.
For expert professional legal advice contact Tuckers Solicitors now. Our Lawyers are available 24 hours a day, providing immediate, first class legal advice, representation and assistance during criminal proceedings, ensuring the best interests of our clients. Please contact our Confiscation Department on 020 7388 8333 or email